
Businesses Beware: Websites as Sitting Ducks in Web Accessibility Lawsuit Surge

In today’s digital age, a well-designed website is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. But for many businesses, their online storefront could be harboring a hidden danger: web accessibility lawsuits.  These lawsuits allege that a website discriminates against users with disabilities by failing to meet accessibility standards.

The number of web accessibility lawsuits has been steadily rising year-over-year.  While the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) doesn’t explicitly mention websites, courts have increasingly interpreted it to apply to online spaces. This trend has left many businesses, particularly smaller ones without the resources to keep up, vulnerable.

What makes businesses sitting ducks for these lawsuits?  Often, it’s simply a lack of awareness. Many businesses simply aren’t aware of the accessibility guidelines or the potential legal ramifications of non-compliance.  Websites riddled with inaccessible features, like missing alt text for images, unclear navigation for screen reader users, or lack of keyboard compatibility, can all be grounds for a lawsuit.

The cost of non-compliance can be significant.  Lawsuits can be expensive to defend, even if ultimately unsuccessful.  Furthermore, a negative reputation for accessibility issues can damage a brand’s image and deter potential customers.

So, what can businesses do to protect themselves?  The answer is simple: proactiveness.  Working with a web accessibility expert is the best way to ensure your website meets accessibility standards. These experts can identify and fix existing issues, as well as implement best practices to prevent future problems.

By taking a proactive approach, businesses can avoid the costly pitfalls of web accessibility lawsuits. Not only will this protect them legally, but it will also ensure that their website is accessible to everyone, opening their doors to a wider customer base and fostering a more inclusive online experience.